Rolling Along

Could Meijer’s be coming to Madison????????? (Fingers Crossed) Who in the hell is running the Jeb Bush campaign, we are in the digital age it’s not 1986 anymore ( was the biggest song that year, just for a reference), how in the hell do you let your domain name of…

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Another Day at the Office

Hash browns anyone?  After this post I’ll be making them for life for Miss Madison! Long day at office, and by long think something along the lines of a  documentary.  What do I come home to……Hammy pounding vodka and watching women’s tennis like a rodent version of .  Since Miss…

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Things are Cloudy, but I’m not a Cockfighter!

With the latest news today that a possible bomb caused the tragic Russian airliner to crash over the Sinai Peninsula this past weekend Hammy is convinced he is coming out of retirement!  He’s pulled out all of his old field manuals and was trying to reach his former KGB contacts in…

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