Super Duper Weekend

Bonus points if you can figure out were this was taken!

Congrats to the Denver Broncos, Hammy had them plus the points and even won a prop bet on Lady Gaga exceeding the 2:20 mark, controversy notwithstanding.  Miss Madison and I had our own little Super Bowl party for her troopers and the spiritual presence of Sloane.  Thanks to Sammy and his love child bearing the most beautiful culinary offspring ever it was an awesome evening.  Added with Miss Madison and me rocking our Saturday road trip and channeling our inner Ohioan the whole weekend was one for the record books!

Food Porn!

Peanut butter pie was sounding good for dessert!

Sammy far exceeded my expectations.  I’m thinking brisket this weekend or a whole chicken, either way I can’t go wrong.  Being Valentine’s Day,  and I aim to please (also I hate doing laundry),  I’m guessing he will be devouring a bird since that is Miss Madison’s preferred choice of protein.  Don’t worry loyal readers I’ll be sure to include plenty of pictures if the Chicken Mafia doesn’t get to me first!

Sammy is currently sitting at stud waiting for his next conquest assignment!

The only thing that put any damper on the weekend was my Facebook feed.  I got to be reminded constantly of the consistent “non” fun Sloane gets to miss on a weekly basis.  Friday night was a “daddy/daughter” dance at her old school and Sunday was the second annual Girl Scout skiing trip that was an absolute blast last year.  My custodial weekend can’t get here soon enough!


Just an unbelievable day!

She cleans up pretty well!

After talking to Sloane last night I would be remiss if I didn’t mention #SkippingWithSloane is still in full swing and any and every donation is greatly appreciated!  My offer still stands the biggest donator gets to steer the Skipah’s Realm ship for one day.  My subscriber list is in the thousands or maybe just my mom and Miss Madison but either way you can captain the vessel how you see fit.

Time for a good old fashioned rant:  Blogger nation I love you guys and gals and every day I learn a new tip or trick from many of you.  My one tip for you is CONNECT YOUR BLOG TO YOUR GRAVATAR!  I can read something that Kurt Vonnegut (native Hoosier) would be proud of, then see a particular comment someone left and think that person sounds interesting.  Then I click on your Willy Wonka hugging a giraffe avatar so I can go check your website out and all I see are crickets!  Also if you are going to offer a Twitter share button, by all means connect your Twitter profile to it!  I’m sure loves the Twitter mention, but that should be you getting the gratification of a Twitter alert!  No Twitter account no problem; take the damn share button off your site!

Your welcome world, let me know when you get that song out of your head!

Rant over, had to get that off of my chest for a bit!  I’m not singling out anybody in particular just some advice from me down here in my sector of the internet.  Any questions on how to fix this problem don’t hesitate to give me a jingle, I’m here to help.

Granite State residents (that’s New Hampshire Kentuckian) go to the polls today to cast the first votes for the next president.  I know Iowa was last week and I don’t really feel like explaining what a “caucus” is, but today actual voting is done.  This will be the first and probably last time I ever mention New Hampshire on here, but if any one from there is reading this go freaking vote.  Too many people went through too much hell so you have the right to vote.  It’s looking like those in Camp Clinton might want to figure out a way to vote twice (hell they already do that anyways don’t they) because it’s shaping up that Mr. Sanders is going to take this round.  Trump is pretty much a shoo in for the Republicans today, so that battle is for second, and they will probably hear him all the way in California while he “humbly” proclaims victory.

About it for now, I’ve got to start planning for the Bottoms Up Bash since my initial idea fell through.  The accounting department is on my ass about an expenditure last month at Diamond Jim’s Gentleman’s Club.  It was a “business” trip with the heads of Diet Dr. Pepper and Member’s Only (come on Mr. 80’s you know you had one) about sponsoring a table for Miss Madison and I at the yearly Colon Cancer Prevention fundraiser next month, but I digress.  I’m trying to run a business here, you damn bean counters!

Send Skipah Sailing!


  1. Your Twitter button is linked up just fine :), it is just irritating to go retweet someone and then you have to go search for there @username to make sure they get all the Twitter love.

  2. Noooooo! Don’t remove the Twitter button. I can still share you with my fans if it’s there. Otherwise agreed on the gravitar.

  3. I’m on it! 🍤🐟🍗 🍻 We take our food seriously here! Lol!

  4. You have to get one R.C.!

  5. Good tips, good food, and good times! Keep rockin…errr….smokin it man!

  6. Miss Madison and I will visit Miami with the smoker in tow, and you and the captain buy the meat! Also you better have some fresh seafood waiting!

  7. That smoker… Man, you make me want one!

    Thanks for tips on WP… I need to check if I’m properly connected!

    Glad the weekend was a great one and not too much longer hopefully til you see the lovely Sloane!

    PS - I still have a members only jacket… 😉

Tell Skipah all about it!