Five Photos & Story Challenge Day #5-Sloane’s first Pet

My blogger buddy Athena invited me to a 5 day challenge to join the Five Photos, Five Stories Challenge: “Post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge”.

Wrapping up my first ever wordpress reindeer game and keeping it themed with epic moments of firsts for my daughter today I thought I would highlight her first pet.  That’s her precious full blooded Siberian Husky Suebee that we obtained from a friend when she was a scant six weeks old.  The little white furball would grow into a solid 45 pounds of hyperactivity and overall loveableness.

Things were a little rocky at the start with Suebee and Sloane but as both of them matured they were like a couple of sisters.  I used to take Suebee walking with me daily and by the time it had come time to move out of my house and relinquish Suebee to the other house Sloane has fully trained on how to walk her on a leash and the one dream her mom had always had came true when Suebee started sleeping in the bed with her.   With what was going in my life at that time it was a proud moment for me.

Suebee couldn’t handle life at the other house, went back to her hyper ways, didn’t get walked enough, and was turning into high maintenance.  However she is now at a home in the country with a dog lover and Sloane is able to see her anytime she wants.  If I can ever get to a position to own a dog again you better believe I’m going to go reclaim mine and Sloane’s little buddy.

That about wraps it up for me and the photo challenge, today I will nominate my bestest blogger buddy in the land Mrs. Lysa at Welcome to My Circus.  Lysa lives in Arizona and has no ideal what snow looks like, but she promotes the hell out of a lot of bloggers and also is the epitome of “dumb” blonde.  Don’t worry she doesn’t take offense she actually writes about it.

Send Skipah Sailing!


  1. Sloane nor I have seen her since August of 2014 🙁

  2. Is there some sort of divorced dog farm? And I’m not talking about the exes.

  3. I loved that dog and she became more of a casualty of divorce than anybody!

  4. The only type of dog I like are the ones that can’t be confused with a cat! Your animal definitely fits that description. Wanted a Malamute while we were living in Colorado, but now that we live in a big city, would settle for a German Sheparard/ Labrador mix, like my first dog when I was little!

  5. Pingback: Five Photos & Five Stories Challenge Day #1 ~ What a Jackass

  6. I would never want to own anything but a husky after having her. Granted I will never miss the dog hair (and you know what I’m talking about) but a small price to pay for such a lovable dog.

  7. You had to go and post a photo of a husky. My weakness when it comes to dogs. As a previous owner myself, I can vouch for their kindness but also crazy hyper activity and jumping 6 foot fences with ease. That’s great Sloane can still go see SueBee whenever, hopefully she takes advantage of that a lot!

  8. Suebee was my four legged bestie but she is in a better place now (I hope).

  9. Hey Gary,

    The story about Suebee had me all teared up as I know how much you love and miss her! But I’m happy to hear she is somewhere with room to run, etc. She sure is a beautiful dog though!

    I totally cracked up laughing when I read what you wrote about me… Yes, I am most definitely the epitome of a “dumb” blonde but I’m wicked book smart! My ex-husband, SATAN, use to say that I was the dumbest smart person he had ever met! HA!

    I totally accept your Five Day, Five Photos, & A Story Challenge! Now… Who in the world am I going to nominate???? LOL j/k
    Thanks for the nomination hun!

    Much love,
    Lysa xx

  10. Yeah I miss her, she was a beauty

  11. Huskies are my FAVORITE dog in the whole wide world!!! I hope the day comes soon where you can reclaim this adorable Suebee.

    Thanks for participating in the challenge. I hope it was as fun for you as it was for us to read all these Sloane firsts. I loved it and know your readers did, too!!!

  12. A beautiful dog!

Tell Skipah all about it!