Keep on Keeping on!

To quote the famous Mark Twain “Truth is Stranger than Fiction” I found out this first hand today.  All I’m going to dwell on the topic.  I’ve done nothing wrong when it comes to being a perfectly good sane father, but words I type on a nightly basis say otherwise in the eyes of some.  Don’t 100% agree with it, but I pay people a hell of a lot more than I make to steer me on the best path for my daughter and I long term.  I’ll try it their way for a while, and besides there is plenty of other stuff I can talk about on a daily basis that hopefully can keep the masses entertained.

While not quite Ferris Bueller’s Day Off……quick question the name of Ferris’s girlfriend was who?  It was a much needed day off and chock full of entertainment for yours truly.  Three mile walk to start the day off had me in Zen mode, and the 44 ounces of liquid nectar had me refreshed by the time I got back home.  Then it was off to serve lunch to the masses at Sloane’s school.  I was a “seasoned” pro this time, they even entrusted me to handle a knife.  I was on apple slicing and applesauce duty today.  Note to school, sharpen that damn knife!  I could have had better luck slicing apples with a jailhouse shiv.  Thankfully all my digits survived the wrestling match with each apple I had to cut and all the kids got their nutritional fruit from me just sometimes in a non-timely fashion.  Even got a little bit of time to hang out with my second grade fan club and Sloane.


Had some errands to run after my lunch obligation, and then I got to pick up the princess a little earlier than she is accustomed to on Wednesdays.  She was missing the little fur ball Hammy so he got some torture play time with Sloane before she decided that Hammy poops too much and decided to clean out his cell.  She was so mad at him for all the poop she made him spend the rest of the evening in the “ball”.  Couldn’t believe what had happened to his fur either, I didn’t have an answer for her, but throwing it out there do hamsters go through a mangy fur stage in the spring?  I have no idea, I figured it’s all the vodka and beer nuts he’s been eating but honestly I had no idea.  His cell/cage went from skid row to sparkling and shining.  Needless to say he looked at me a little miffed, I had to remind him its Sloane’s world we only live in it.

Made Sloane some dinner and she ate enough chicken that I almost had to make a call to Tyson to send in some reserves.  Even requested the leftovers for lunch tomorrow (go dad go), then it was off to softball.  She rocked it as usual (had to be the pre-game meal) getting on base twice and hitting one of them pretty hard.  Even saw some action in the field, fielded one cleanly and had to deal with a bad hop on another.  I’ve mentioned how great the coach is, and after a conversation with another person familiar with him I was told he is by far the best for Sloane’s age group.  Seeing how much better Sloane has gotten in two months I’d be hard pressed to argue with that logic.  Another 6-4 win for team neon green and I even let Sloane have a celebratory popsicle when she got home.  Next game is Monday and I can’t wait!


About it for tonight, looking like the Reds might actually win two in a row and get back to .500 for the year.  Hammy is hanging his Reds memorabilia back up and asking me if the coast is clear and Sloane is in bed yet.  Don’t worry little buddy you can watch all the Reds baseball you want with me, I’m drawing the line though with NHL playoffs.  Much like oil and water, Skipah and ice hockey don’t mix.  Hoping to get my Generally Speaking going sometime very soon, and do some other exciting things with this blog.  Sorry tonight is a little short on humor, still trying to figure out some things, I have to reinvent myself as a blogger but stay true to myself.  Let’s just say today was very humbling but very encouraging, I’m winning and that is all that matters.  Just have to take some steps to keep winning, but fear not loyal readers that little blonde bomber isn’t going anywhere.  There are forces in action that will vindicate me, namely I’m involved in my daughter’s life.  I was told today I’ve got this by the balls (thank you for the sage advice you know who you are), just change the approach.  Message received!

Send Skipah Sailing!


  1. Pingback: #SloaneStaysHome | Skipah's Realm

  2. That knife would struggle with butter.

  3. I forgot to get back to you, my bad, liquid nectar is a Polar Pop-44 ounce of the sweet nectar that is diet Dr. Pepper.

  4. Go Sloane! Little athlete!

    Cracked me up with the shiv joke… LoL

  5. Welcome to the blog Mark, it’s been quite a ride in the custody wars. Thanks for stopping by

  6. You got it, Gary. Steady as you go.

  7. There’s nothing wrong with a little course correction now and again for the good of the cause!

  8. Likes to wrap her popsicle in a paper towel

  9. Heh, it looks like Sloane is holding a massive burrito in the third picture there.

  10. Hey, you linked “Liquid Nectar” to your shorthand page, but there’s nothing there to define what that is. Water, coffee, tea, beer, cola, spill it!

    Don’t worry, you got this blogging thing down no matter what. So you have to change your approach….sounds like a fun challenge is all. Either way, you have plenty of us here to back you 24/7.

    Way to go, Sloane, for another great game, I’m positive a good meal from dad always helps. Really cool you helped serve at her school too! Looking forward to the new things you have coming up for the blog.

Tell Skipah all about it!