Key West Kind of Weekend

I’m a self proclaimed seafood snob, but this place wasn’t too shabby! Other than the lack of ocean views and fresh seafood you would have thought southern Indiana turned into Key West this weekend!  Record temps Saturday and unseasonably warm on Sunday, maybe Punxsutawney Phil was actually prophetic for once.  Al…

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That One Time I Bet On Kanye

I didn’t get an invite to this Grammy party! Is there anything more enjoyable than watching a live event and your Twitter stream at the same time?  Hammy found me a sportsbook in Malaysia that is taking live action on when (not if) Kanye West says or does something stupid…

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I Got Married (sort of)!

    Dad!  You forget to wear your leash! Once every four years, the great state of Iowa becomes relevant for more than soybeans and college wrestling.  Monday was that day, in the most uninspiring field of U.S. presidential candidates in my lifetime, Miss Madison and I watched the returns knocking…

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