The Jefferson County (Indiana) Tour

Bless me father for I have sinned, I ate at Subway today for lunch today.  In yet another black eye in a year of them for Hoosiers, Indianapolis native Jared Fogle admitted that he is a sicko pedophile.  For those of you that don’t know who Jared is, he’s the Subway spokesperson that became famous living on cold cut combos because his fat ass couldn’t put down the Cheetos and ice cream.  In the process he made Subway the largest fast food chain in America (if not the world I’ll have the research department check that out), turns out he likes kiddy porn and even took trips (he’s admitting to one) to New York for sex with underage girls.  Even Hammy thinks this guy is effing sick and he’s from Russia!  Insert any six inch or foot long jokes you want here, but he deserves every damn one of them if he is so lucky to spend his jail time in general population.  Five dollar foot longs will hopefully be the norm for him in the future!

In other news I’m damn busy these days!  Skipah misses his daily dose of beating on the keyboard updating everyone on the day to day of yours truly.  A few factors have held me back recently.  Before the congregation yells GIRLFRIEND, um not really.  Saturday I was absolutely cooked after the Holiday World trip.  Sunday evening a simple Windows update turned into two hours of hell.  Monday I actually did get something out, last night my laptop decided to be a pain in the ass.  I haven’t forgot about all the loyal denizens that stop of on my little island of the internet, just haven’t had the time.

Also a Public Service Announcement from Skipah:  Do not even look at Toshiba Satellite series laptops.  They suck.  Thus endeth the Toshiba laptop product review.  My laptop sucks worse than a four time Kentucky state champ felatio pageant winner.

So what have I been doing in the meantime you might ask?  Sunday Sloane and I got an invite from Miss Madison to get the grand tour of her home town.  Before we hit the “historic” downtown area I took Sloane on a tour of Hanover College in the hopes she may attend there one day.  I will need to hit the lottery or Sloane receives the Woody Harrelson Memorial Foundation Scholarship, I made that last part up, but Mr. Harrelson is probably the most famous alum from the college.  Hanover is the town before Madison just to give everybody a geographical reference. 

This is much nicer than any dorm I had to stay in at college!

The Madison fountain, downtown landmark!

Mr. Skipah even hung around long enough to grill some burgers for everybody.  Monday I took Sloane out for her birthday dinner at Chuy’s so she could order the chicken tenders and mac n’ cheese.  In case you have never heard of Chuy’s it is like Tumbleweed only better.  When I’m in the mood for chicken tenders and mac n’ cheese I always pick a Tex-Mex joint myself.  No big deal though she’s eight years old now and proud of it! Tuesday was the blonde bomber’s actual calendar birthday and even though I didn’t have custody of her I made sure to drop in for lunch at school.

Lunch was blast as always and then later in the day Miss Madison came down with her kiddos to do some fishing at the quarry.  Neither one of her children had ever been fishing before and the quarry pond the perfect place to learn.  Note to self, never let a kid throw all the left over French fries in the water, for some reason the fish don’t bite after loading up on fried potato products.  It was good Tuesday night fun for all of us I just wish I had Sloane with me.  She loves fishing and it was a cool (by Indiana August standards) evening.

I did get my weekly overnight with Sloane this evening though, learned all kinds of new things going on in her life (eye roll), and we both had classes to attend to at school this evening.  She has to do the required stuff she didn’t do in school last year to become a Catholic Church member, I on the other hand had my weekly RCIA class.  Tonight was an introduction to what all the crazy stuff (to the untrained eye) they do in mass is about.  It was quite interesting actually.  Everybody has a good Catholic wine story, well there is a reason behind that.  I’m not turning this into a theological discussion, but I appreciate history and facts as much as the next person.  The explanation of why wine is so prevalent in the Catholic Church made perfect sense after hearing the origins of it.  Excuse me devout theologian for my idiocy in this, I’m learning as I go!

Lot of big things coming up the pipe for yours truly.  Saturday the Colon Mission launches and today was the final day to join the team online.  So far it’s just Miss Madison and I, although I did receive a donation from another loyal fan who can’t make it Saturday.  Thank you Maximus’s mom!  Next week I’ve got a WEDDING to attend, and shut up you snarky assholes it’s not my wedding!  Miss Madison thinks I’m just slightly above the nerd/dork scale to show off in public as her date for a family members wedding.  When the silly tradition of tossing the bouqet ceremony takes place I will be sure to tackle her if she is lunging for it!  Just kidding everyone I would never tackle a woman, I’ll be sure to have a crisp twenty dollar bill to bribe another female patron to make sure she doesn’t catch it!  FYI, I kid because I care, and even though I vehemently despise “couples” baby showers we’ve got one of those to attend in the future also.

About it for tonight, got a few other things going on but don’t want to jinx them so they will stay in my head with the other 2153 empty thoughts that bounce off of each other daily.  My daughter is resting peacefully in her bed, and I’m still smiling!


Send Skipah Sailing!


  1. Has Sloane met Miss Madison’s kids yet?

  2. Fixed! Thanks for reminding me I’m an idiot.

  3. She’s not a fan either, but we use anything as an excuse to see each other :).

  4. You realize the appropriate time to tackle her would be when the bouquet is tossed, not the garter, right? You are the one who is supposed to go after the garter. Lol

  5. I think how you vehemently despise couples baby showers and are still willing to go is a good demonstration as to how strong your affections for Miss Madison are.

  6. If it was a weekend I would have made her something special, but working full time and a condensed window through the week just didn’t have the time to make her something special. I guess you have felt the pain of Toshiba laptops, the struggle is real! I’m fully prepared for all the wedding jokes, but no worries there!

  7. Yeah, Toshiba does suck! You have been quite busy, but all fun it seems. I’d expect plenty of marriage references when you go to that wedding.

    Happy 8 years to your little beauty, now instead of taking her out, make her something special at home!

Tell Skipah all about it!