The (Un) Intelligent Woman

Coming soon either a nasty case of food poisoning or my new favorite restaurant!  Madison, Indiana has officially become the corporate headquarters of Skipah’s Realm.  Paperwork has been filed with the post office, next of kin have been notified, and I’m on a first name basis with the local employees…

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Missing You

Got to witness true blue falconry this weekend, fascinating is the only way to describe it!  Actually it deserves it’s own post in the future. The Skipah’s sports book is currently taking odds on what state will have the next Powerball winner.  Here in the United States we have 50…

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Just a Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down!

Happy Monday denizens of the Skipahsphere!  It’s the most wonderful time of the year….Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah for my Jewish friends?  Hell no, it’s Maui or bust baby!  Is Mr. Skipah vacationing in Hawaii (only if they let me pay with empty Polar Pop cups), umm no my second favorite basketball tournament…

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